Saturday, August 15, 2009

Men In Tutus - pg3

and more photos ...

Men In Tutus - pg2

more photos ....

Men in Tutus - pg1

Alas.... Here are some of the photos taken on our night out to watch the Men In Tutus performance at KLPAC in May.

We had a GREAT time, good laughs and loads of fun especially while waiting for the dancers to come out to get their signatures. I was really surprised and really happy to see some of my quiet girls break loose and enjoyed themselves. Highly recommended for those who missed it.


Come Watch & Support

Come and watch a great dance showdown. The competition is FREESTYLE meaning there will be groups performing and showcasing different styles of dance. Great time to watch, learn and BE INSPIRED.

Be there at The Curve Mutiara D'sara SUNDAY 16/08/09 from 2pm

Show your support for all dance, all dancers and especially our support for ALAM with WaKaKa Crew and Dennis with ECX Crew. You dancers all know dance is hardwork. Appreciate it.

We would like to wish all the dancers good luck, all the best and do your best.

Keep on dancing.

Book Clearance Fair

There will be a book clearance fair at the Hartamas Shopping Centre.